I'll start this session off with my father in law, Norman Frederick Scott. He was an amazing man with many accomplishments in his lifetime, but I was only recently made aware of them after his death.
Here is the city of Franklin financial report for 1928, in which his birth data is listed. It shows that NFS Sr was born July 5th to Chester and Cecilia Adams Scott, and was the second child born. His father was a Mill operative (I think the hosiery mills?) and both parents were born in Franklin New Hampshire.
1928 Birth record, Franklin New Hampshire |
His birth certificate says pretty much the same thing, except adding that they were living on Terrance Road at the time, and that his mother was a housewife. Chester was age 27 and Cecilia was age 19. Hmmm. She was pretty young to have just given birth to her second child.
1928 Birth certificate |
He met Shirley Young at Union Station in St Louis Missouri while he was a young Army Soldier. He would get leave, travel a great distance to visit, then rush back to the base. Point of research is to find out the name of that base, and to get his military records. I'm sure the family has photos of him in his uniform, or even of their wedding or as a young family. I would love to have a copy. Not even the real thing, just a copy. This is the back side of their marriage certificate, followed by the front side. I love to see signatures, but I don't believe there are any signatures on this document.
1935 Marriage Certificate, backside |
1935 Marriage Certificate, frontside |
And this is the man in question, visiting with us in about 1980s.
1980s, visiting his son
photo by J'Anette |
If you have any questions or any additional information you would like to share, feel free to contact me, the form is on the right. I will post more information, hopefully on a weekly basis, but you know how life is.