Dorothy Mae Scott, born 1929, died 1996, New Hampshire.
Part 4, 1950s.
1951 age 21
Birth of son Ralph Kimball
When Ralph Kimball was born on 5 March 1951, his father Paul was 26 and his mother Dorothy was 21.
1952 age 22
Death of Mother
Cecelia R. Adams Scott Fracker died, 17 April 1952 in Franklin, Merrimack NH. There is no death certificate nor any record of her death that I can find. New Hampshire is very difficult to get information from. At any rate, I include this because this is her mother we are talking about, but I'm not entirely convinced that Dorothy knew about this event. Or that she cared?
Marriage of ex-husband Paul Smith Kimball to Joyce Eloise LaBrecque Cushing. Second marriage for both parties. They would go on to have three boys and one girl. Paul Jr. and Ralph did not live with this new family.
Dorothy divorced Paul Kimball and remarried to John William Coons sometime in this timeframe. I cannot find any record of such so far. Again, New Hampshire.
1953 age 24
Residence 32 Spruce, Manchester NH, Dorothy M. Coons living with John M. Coons.
Dorothy and John Coons, 1953
Google Maps 2018 |
Dorothy and John Coons 1953
Google Maps street view |
The first image, you can see this is very close to 10 Spruce street where John Coons lived when he and Dorothy married. The second image is a park. That address no longer exists.
Birth of son John William Coons Jr
When John William Coons was born on 27 October 1953, his father John was 25 and his mother Dorothy was 24.
Residence at the time of John Jr's birth is 69 Central Street, Manchester, Hillsborough County NH.
The Coons family at John Jr's birth
Google Maps 2018 |
Coons address 1954 also does not exist
Google Streetview |
1954 age 24
Death of son John William Coons Jr, 27 May 1954, age just over 6 months.
John William Coons Jr death certificate 1954 |
This document is where we get the 69 Central street address. Little John Jr. was only 7 months old when he died of Pneumonia caused by Staphylococcus aureus. This is the bacteria we all have in and on our bodies. Unfortunately for Jr., it got out of hand and grew too fast to fight. Interestingly, on the line marked "Other significant conditions contributing to the death but not related to the disease or condition causing it," the document lists Septicemia (staphylococcus) and otitis media. In actuality, the Sepsis is what caused the death. Sepsis is the body's response to infection, shutting down organs causing death. Septicemia means that the Staphylococcus bacteria invaded his bloodstream. He would have had a very high fever, very fast heart rate and breathing quickly. He would have become disoriented, passing out before he wore out. Poor little guy.
The boy was born in Manchester, his mother's maiden name is listed as Dorothy May Kimball. Now, either I have the wrong Dorothy -- but I don't, I'll explain later -- or she was distancing herself from the Scott name. It couldn't have been an error on the part of the informant, since Dorothy herself gave all this information.
He is buried at
St. Joseph's cemetery in Manchester NH. At the bottom is typed "32 wks. 6 lbs. 8 ozs." I suspect this means he was born prematurely, and still weighed 6 1/2 pounds. Either that, or his AGE is 32 weeks and he is only 6 1/2 pounds. If it is the latter, then he was indeed quite sick.
1956 age 27
Birth of daughter Dorothy May French, 17 November 1956 in Manchester, Hillsborough County NH. It looks like she was born two years before her parents married. I don't actually have a birth certificate, so we'll look at her death certificate. She was born 17 November 1956 in Manchester, NH
1958 Community Motors Hills Goldsboro Directory |
1957 age 27
Death of daughter Dorothy May French, 16 January 1957, Hooksett, Merrimack County NH. Baby died age 1 month 29 days, of pneumonia which she'd had for three days. The pneumonia was caused by her malnutrition over the last 3-4 weeks of her life. That's an odd way to die, and a long time for a baby to starve. It is possible this is truly a failure to thrive. Her father was William P. French, and the mother Dorothy Mae Scott. (she actually used her REAL maiden name, here). No autopsy was done. The MD certifies that he'd never seen the baby while she was alive.
She is buried in Holbrook cemetery, Candia NH. At the bottom is typed "40 weeks, 6 lbs." Perhaps this means she was born at 40 weeks? Remember baby John Jr? I thought the typed 32 weeks at the bottom could mean his age was 32 weeks? Well, that theory does'nt apply here. It must mean gestational age at time of birth.
Death Certificate for Dorothy Mae French |
Social Security name change to Dorothy May Coons in February 1957. I wonder if this is when Dorothy and John Coons married? If you know anything about this, contact me.
I applied for and recieved her application for Social Security number. She applies as Dorothy May Coons, living at 19 Lake Avenue, Manchester NH. She was born Dorothy May Scott. She is 27 years old, born on 11 October 1929, Manchester NH. The 2018 Freedom of Information Agent cut out both parents' names because they may still be living. Okay, she didn't know. Next time I apply for SSAN application, I'll make sure to include parents' deaths. Continuing on, she is a white femaile who has never applied for a number. As of the date she applied, 14 February 1957, she is unemployed. There is a signature.
A couple of points I noticed:
1. It almost looks as if three people helped her fill out the form. The printed Coons name at the top and the signature at the bottom seem (to me) to be from the same person. The word "unemployed," while slanted backwards like some of the other words, seems to be a stronger and more stable hand of a second person. The rest of the writing, with the alternating slant of the hand and the curled entry of the "M's" in Man[chester] and May seems to be from a third person. I don't really know, these are my impressions. The signature. Dorothy's signature seems hesitant, with alternating slants.
Let's look at the address, 19 Lake Avenue. Any bets if the house still stands?
1957 Dorothy Coons address at the time she applied for SSAN
Current house in red, previous addresses in blue
Google Maps 2018 |
Google StreetView |
I certainly hope nobody was holding their breath. We are batting a thousand, here, folks. Why would these dwellings all be gone? Possibly, they were so run down with old age, not worth fixing. If you know anything about this, let me know, okay? On the right.

1958 age 28
Birth of daughter Georgianna Dorothy French, 2 January 1958.
1958 Birth Index Georgianna Dorothy French |
Trust me, she's in here somewhere. Georgianna was born while they were living at 206 Manchester, Manchester NH, 2 July (about 20 days before her parents' wedding). She grew up in Hooksett, and attended Hooksett schools. Georgianna later married Richard Gabriel Martel. She loved whitewater rafting and riding motorcycles, and raised pugs. She died in 2006 of an automobile accident. Her husband Richard would die two years later, leaving their adult daughter.
So, this is a spot where I am very confused. Somewhere in here, Dorothy and John Coons divorced, and she married William French. It looks like the previous two girls were born before this marriage, but have the last name French. I don't have the records to prove this. What I do have I've placed in here.
William P. French city directory |
It looks to me as if this directory was out before his marriage? He lives at 633 Elm, Manchester NH. Drum Roll, please --------
1958 William P. French, 633 Elm, Manchester NH |
633 Elm, Manchester NH |
Glad to see our average is still right up there. No house. BUT, can you see the close proximity to the Coons residences? Within a couple of blocks. What are the chances Coons and French were friends?
1958 age 28
Marriage 21 July 1958 to William Percy French Sr, in Manchester, Hillsborough County NH
1958 marriage certificate |
William Percy French lived RFD #1 Box 258, Hooksett, Merrimac NH. He was 50 years old, widowed. This is his second marriage. He works as a cook. Parents are Percy Benjamin French, still living in Waldoboro, Maine, and Mary Henrietta Buchanan French, dead by this time.
Dorothy May Coons -- remember that question a while back, where I considered that I may have had the wrong Dorothy? Well, this is the reason I don't think so. Look at her name -- Dorothy COONS. She is listed as divorced -- she says this is her second marriage. Did she forget? or did she intentionally mislead? She is 30 years old, living at 206 Manchester. Parents Chester Scott living in Franklin NH, and Cecilia Adams is dead by this time. She has no job -- again.
There are no actual signatures, again. What's up with that?
1958 address, 206 Manchester street |
1958 address, 206 Manchester, Manchester NH |
See the yellow highlighted area? That looks like where the house used to be. I'm beginning to see a theme, here.
Let's look at the index, see if there is any new information.
William Percy French and Dorothy May Coons |
William French is living in Hooksett, and Dorothy lives in Manchester. Wonder exactly how they met?
1958, 206 Manchester, Manchester NH |
This directory includes Dorothy, with a different address, 206 Manchester. William Percy French is a kitchen helper at the Red Arrow Cafeteria.
We have two choices. I rather think it is the top one, since it is so SO close to the rest of the addresses.
Red Arrow Diner 2018 |
So this is what it looks like today. The website says it has been open since 1922. I imagine it looked much like this, and I can almost see Dorothy and Paul coming here for dinner, meeting William French the Cook or kitchen helper. BTW, I have reached out to the restaurant, hopefully I get a response. Time will tell. Odd, isn't it? This is the first building on my research list that is still standing!