Adella Grace Scott Scribner ... 1900s
1900, no census. The census was actually taken this year, but I cannot find this family. Hold, please, I just thought of something.YES! I found them. This family has not moved from the area ever. Why would they do so this time? Well, it could happen. But, I searched in Ancestry from the first page of the 1900 census for Franklin, Merrimack, NH. There are three wards, so I chose the ward they were in for the 1910 census. This could easily have been a bust, since ward district boundaries change in the course of 10 years, but it was a shot. About halfway through the 43 pages, I found them. They were indexed under some weird name. See for yourself.
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14 June 1900, the Scribner family live on Franklin Street. Here we see the month of birth, although the years are wrong on a couple of them. We also see they have been married for 23 years, and that she only had the three children.
January 1900 Fire breaks out in Franklin

A disastrous fire hit the community early Saturday morning, January 16, 1900. As a result of the fire, the Burleigh Block was ruined. This block was the first brick building on Central Street, having been erected in 1871, but had a large wooden annex (City of Franklin NH, n.d.). See more stories here
In other news: Hawaii organized as a territory in 1900; and the Galveston Hurricane killed 8,000 people (, 2018).
1901-1908 -- President William McKinley is assassinated, making Theodore Roosevelt the 26th President of the United States.
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1900 William McKinley Theodore Roosevelt Campaign poster (Wikipedia -- Roosevelt, 2018) |
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1901 Theodore Roosevelt, 26th President (Wikipedia -- Roosevelt, 2018) |
His face is on Mount Rushmore. He is generally ranked as one of the five best presidents (Wikipedia -- Roosevelt, 2018).
President Theodore Roosevelt Quote: "Keep your eyes on the stars, and your feet on the ground" (Roosevelt T., 2018)
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1900 Clip Art Concord NH Directory page 463 behive |
In other news: Commonwealth of Australia was founded in 1901; The first British submarine was launched; Oil was discovered in Texas; Max Planck formulates the Laws of Radiation, while Nernst postulated the Third Law of Thermodynamics. King Edward VII begins his reign until 1910 (, 2018).
Marriage of son Charles H. Scribner, Franklin, Merrimack, NH. This is a document for her son Charles' marriage to Sadie Trumbull, both of whom live in Franklin. Charles is a bookkeeper and Sadie is a mill operative. I was curious as to what mill was operating in Franklin in 1900. Sutton Mill popped right up, made hosiery. I knew several of my NH kin worked in the hosiery mills, so this makes perfect sense. See below for some interesting history of that area.![]() |
Adella Grace Scott Scribner 1902 Charles Scribner marriage certificate A |
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Adella Grace Scott Scribner 1902 Charles Scribner marriage certificate A |
On the back of the marriage certificate is a wealth of information. Very surprising for NH, I must say. We find Morrill is 46, and is a Mill Overseer, with Adella keeping house. Both of them were born in Salisbury. We find the bride's family, also in their 40s, her father was a farmer, and her mother is also a housewife. Both of the bride's parents were born in Hill NH. No signatures in this batch, I'm afraid.
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1900 Clip Art Concord NH Directory page 463 horse 2 |
Sulloway Mills in Franklin NH --,_New_Hampshire#/media/File:Sulloway_Mills,_Franklin,_NH.jpg
Mills information
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1900 Clip Art Concord NH Directory page 463 house |
In other news: 1903 -- Nikola Tesla patents logic gates [logically]; and the Airplane takes off. 1904 -- Radar starts making waves, and the Russian-Japanese war rages for about 2 years. 1907 -- Oklahoma enters the union as the 46th state, while plastic stretches onto the scene (, 2018).
1908, age 48
Brother Marshall Winfield Scott died on 6 July 1908 in Franklin NH. He was my husband's Great Grandfather, but I wonder how close was Adella to Marshall. Perhaps more so than the rest of the family, since Marshall had been living with them for a while.![]() |
Marshall W. Scott 1908 death Find a Grave from |
In other news: An atmospheric object crashes down in Tunguska tundra, exploding and making a scene (, 2018).
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1900 Clip Art Concord NH Directory page 463 horse 1 |
1909-1912 -- William Howard Taft becomes the 27th President of the United States
Tenth Chief Justice of the US, the only person to have held both offices. The Vice president became president when Theodore Roosevelt was assassinated, was defeated by Woodrow Wilson after splitting the Republican Party by running as a third party candidate (Wikipedia -- Taft, 2018).![]() |
1908 Taft Sherman Campaign Poster (Wikipedia -- Taft, 2018) |
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1909 William Howard Taft, 27th President (Wikipedia -- Taft, 2018) |
William Howard Taft Quote -- "Presidents come and go, but the Supreme Court goes on forever (Taft, 2018).
In other news: Matthew Henson and Robert Pearys expedition team are the first ever to reach the North Pole [brrr!]; The Union of South Africa is formed (, 2018).
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1900 Clip Art Concord NH Directory page 463 horse 3 |
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City of Franklin NH. (n.d.). Early Years: 1900's.
Retrieved from City of Franklin Fire Department: (2018). TimeLines. (Timelines courtesy of Timeline formatting and technology copyright © 2000-2018, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED under the Pan-American Conventions.) Retrieved from
Roosevelt, T. (2018, December). Theodore Roosevelt Quotes. Retrieved from BrainyQuote:
Taft, W. H. (2018). William Howard Taft Quotes. Retrieved from BrainyQuotes:
Wikipedia -- Roosevelt. (2018, December). Theodore Roosevelt, 26th President. Retrieved from Wikipedia:
Wikipedia -- Taft. (2018). William Howard Taft, 27th President. Retrieved from Wikipedia:
Return to the River Part 2: Creating a mill city
Eighty-five-year-old Franklin native Andy Nadeau calls himself an “original river rat.”
As a young man, Nadeau remembers his home city as vibrant, well-off and full of familiar faces – now he sees it as a center for renters and a downtown full of decaying storefronts.
Nadeau wonders, though, if the mill city can ever recapture the wealth of its industrial past.
To create their community, the settlers used water to power their first sawmill in Punch Brook, beginning a centuries-long history for Franklin’s mill activity.
Six paper and pulp mills were eventually built in the Winnipesaukee, with dams redirecting the water flow at six points along the river.
“It created a current that was year-round – that was the attraction for the mills,” Webb said. “Franklin wouldn’t exist (if not) for the confluence of the rivers.”
Mill city
“It gave a lot of people (the) chance to go to work,” he said.
In addition to paper mills, wool and hosiery mills came into town, including Sulloway Mills, where Nadeau’s parents made socks and stockings.
The textile operations lasted longer than the paper industry. Four decades after Franklin was incorporated as a city in 1895, the paper and pulp mills were all shut down due to labor strikes and the Great Depression, Nadeau said. In 1934, the dams were damaged by spring floods, then dynamited.
Dirty rivers
The mills meant vitality for the Franklin community. Yet for the waterways, they created obstruction and filth.
That was something Nadeau witnessed in his time. “Everybody was dumping into the river,” he said. Sewages, chemical waste, dye – anything undesirable.
“My father-in-law came to visit from Indiana,” Nadeau said. “I took him down to the Merrimack. He’s standing there fishing, and he says, ‘I’ve never seen a river with an asphalt bottom.’ ”
It wasn’t asphalt, but sludge and slime.
Sulloway Mills closed in 1953 ....
Webb, the historical society president, said Franklin’s decline is typical of any city losing its prime industry.
“The demographics changed drastically,” he said. “There’s a significant portion of Franklin that struggles to pay taxes. It became a city that struggled to meet its bills.”
One thing that has improved is the rivers. The water now runs clear, is unobstructed by the mill dams and no longer has raw sewage and industrial waste pouring into it.
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